Penguicon is an all-volunteer not-for-profit convention which brings together developers and enthusiasts of free and open source software with that of science fiction creativity. We get to watch what happens when we introduce imaginative and well-informed visionaries to the technologists who are creating the future.
About 800 to 1,000 people attend Penguicon every year. These include entrepreneurs, potential employees, sales decision-makers, and early adopters. Everyone they know turns to them for technology advice. Promoting your product or service to them will build on itself through word of mouth, starting the word of mouth ball rolling.
Fan-run science fiction conventions and open source software development are two communities that generate financial value for the things they are passionate about. But in order for that to work, the cost for the enthusiasts to participate must be kept low. Help us make it financially easy for our users and fans to join this word-of-mouth network, and put that network to work for your company. Do you believe in spending your promotional dollars to build a community of passionate users? Here are two communities renowned for it, gathered in one place.
We welcome creative ideas for sponsorship arrangements. Other sponsorships will be quoted on request. Please contact us at [email protected] for more details.
Emperor Penguin Level - $1,000 and up

An Emperor Penguin level sponsor donates $1000 and up to the convention toward providing the ConSuites, as priced below, based on your choice of evening. ConSuite is the most highly-trafficked room of the convention, a hospitality space with tables and comfortable couches that serves complimentary food and beverages around the clock to all attendees. Unlike at typical software conventions, Penguicon uses this as a social gathering space for spontaneous interaction and conversation independent of the scheduled events. ConSuite opens Friday afternoon and closes Sunday evening, many hours after the rest of the convention has shut down for the weekend.
Benefits include:
- Signage indicating sponsorship hung prominently in the ConSuite during the sponsored period.
- A full page advertisement in the program book.
- Acknowledgment in the ConSuite description within the program book.
- A link in the navigation bar of this year's Penguicon Website featuring a 180 pixel by 180 pixel graphic.
- An attendance badge for a representative from your organization.
Sponsorship periods include:
Highest traffic for the longest period of time. During Saturday, various scheduled sessions of the Food Track take place as well.Saturday -- $2,000:
Less traffic and less time, but still maintains the benefit of hundreds of individual people passing through over the course of the day.Sunday -- $1,500:
Opening evening results in attendees meeting, greeting, and congregating in the ConSuite over food and games.Friday -- $1,000:
King Penguin Level - $500
All King Penguin level sponsors get benefits for their $500 donation, which include:
- A link in the "Links" section of this year's Penguicon Website featuring an 180 pixel by 180 pixel graphic.
- Acknowledgment in the program book.
- Attendance badges for representatives from your organization.
Additionally, sponsors get the following benefits based on the specific item they choose to sponsor.
Guests of Honor (limited to one sponsor per Guest)
- Mention of the sponsor in conjunction to the Guest whenever the guest is mentioned (i.e. Guest X, sponsored by Company Y)
- Acknowledgment of the sponsorship in the Guest description within the program book.
- Indication of sponsorship on all signage related to the Guest.
- Verbal advertisement at the beginning of Penguicon Podcasts featuring the Guest.
LN2 Ice Cream (limited to one sponsor)
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream is a Food Track event that takes place in the ConSuite, during which homemade ice cream is instantly created, in a variety of custom flavors, by adding liquid nitrogen to the recipe. It is truly a spectacle to behold!
- Your company logo or advertisement on the front of the LN2 dewar up to 2' by 3' in size.
- A verbal mention of the sponsorship at the start of each liquid nitrogen session (over one dozen per weekend).
- A brief caption at the bottom of any Internet video of 2008 liquid nitrogen events produced and distributed by Penguicon.
Macaroni Penguin Level -- $150
Macaroni Penguin level sponsors provide donations to the various special functions that occur at Penguicon, such as the Gaming Room, the Concert Room, the Chaos Toy, the Dance, Pool Party, or any other similar entertainment. Benefits include:
- A link in the "Links" section of this year's Penguicon Website.
- Acknowledgment in the Program book.
- Signage prominently displayed during the special function or, in the case of a special function room, prominently labeling the room.
- Attendance badges for representatives from your organization.
Humboldt Penguin Level -- $100
Humboldt Penguin level sponsors earn the right to advertise relative to a specific Nifty Guest or Room Party.
The status of "Nifty Guest" is bestowed on panelists and presenters who are celebrities in their own right but who are not Guests of Honor at the convention.
A room party is a party thrown by attendees in a hotel room during the evening of Friday, Saturday, or both.
Benefits include:
- A link in the "Links" section of this year's Penguicon website.
- Acknowledgment in the program book.
- Signage displayed at the sponsored Room Party or at all Nifty Guest panels and appearances.
- Attendance badges for representatives from your organization.
Adelie Penguin Level -- less than $100
Also known as "micro sponsorship", the Adelie Penguin level is the entry-level sponsorship for smaller companies or individuals. This sponsorship option can take on a whole range of forms, but the two most common are:
Badge Ribbons (cost: $25 or up)
- A special ribbon available only to sponsors
- A mention in the "Acknowledgments" section of the program book, listed in donation-size order.
Product sponsorship (cost: free product)
- A sign advertising your company for as long as the free product lasts
- A mention in the "Acknowledgments" section of the program book. (Order decided by approximate dollar value of free product donation)